- Before assembly make sure of absoluteness of purity of all components.
- Arrange the correct image the piston concerning a rod.
- Oil pure motive openings in the piston and the top head of a rod.
- By means of special nippers put a lock ring in a flute in one of piston openings, then fill in the last the top head of a rod.
- Through a suitable mandrel accurately begin to knock a piston finger, having fixed the piston on a rod. Record a finger the second lock ring.
- Working in a similar manner, mount the remained conrod and piston assemblies.
- Put the picked-up earlier piston rings on pistons: at first in the lower flute of the piston previously oiled dilator of an oil scraper ring is established, then its working sections (scrapers) are got.
Scrapers of an oil scraper ring are identical on a design and do not demand unambiguity of landing at installation. |
- Further, in the remained flutes also plentifully greased lower and top compression rings (do not mix a ring - they differ in a section form) refuel, - track correctness of placement of rings, - they have to be established by the party marked with a letter of "R" up.
- Develop the rings put on pistons locks in the specified directions.
- Put in the block of cylinders masloraspylitel and tighten bolts of their fastening with the required effort (12 ÷ 18 Nanometers).
- Carefully wipe necks of a bent shaft, a back of inserts of radical bearings and their bed in the block, having completely removed from them oil traces. Enclose inserts and establish a shaft.
The central radical bearing is persistent. |
- Once again wipe radical necks of a shaft, lay along them the calibrated plastic wire from the Plastigage set for definition of working gaps in sliding bearings.
Watch that the wire did not keep within over oil openings of necks! |
- Wipe backs of inserts of bearings and their bed in covers, then establish the last, having tracked correctness of placement and, working strictly in a certain order, tighten bolts of their fastening with the required effort.
- Release fixture, uncover and, measuring width of the flattened-out wire on the scale applied on packing of the Plastigage set, determine sizes of gaps in radical bearings.
During check do not turn a bent shaft! If the result of measurement exceeds extreme admissible value, make selection of new inserts, in case of need pierce a shaft to the corresponding repair size and establish repair inserts. |
- Having finished check, grease working surfaces of the picked-up inserts and radical necks of a shaft with pure motive oil, lay a shaft in the block.
- Establish covers of radical bearings, push a shaft forward against the stop, then return back it and tighten bolts of fastening of covers with the required effort.
- Check the size of an axial side play of a bent shaft and freedom of its provorachivaniye. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, in case of need pick up the new persistent bearing.
- By means of a suitable mandrel, put on a back pin of a shaft the directing bearing (see an illustration), - do not forget to oil previously the bearing and a pin motive. After installation fill the bearing jellied lubricant.
- Accurately fill conrod and piston assemblies in the cylinders: walls of pistons and a mirror of cylinders before installation should be oiled pure motive, to press out piston rings a special mandrel; it is the best of all to make pushing through of pistons in cylinders the hammer handle. Track that pistons were installed by tags in the form of letters of "F" on the engine forward.
At emergence of resistance it is necessary to stop immediately pushing through of the piston, to take assembly and to make sure of completeness of removal of step wear in the top part of the cylinder! |
- Having put the lower heads of rods on conrod necks of a shaft, make measurement of working gaps in conrod bearings, - act in the manner similar described above for radical bearings. Remember that inserts of bearings when checking have to be established on dry, track correctness of an arrangement of covers.
- By means of the probe of lezviyny type make measurement of sizes of axial side plays of rods (see an illustration). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, in case of need replace the corresponding rods.
- Finalize conrod covers (having oiled the working surfaces of bearings), - track correctness of combination of landing tags and tighten bolts of their fastening with the required effort.
Carving parts of bolts and nuts before tightening also should be oiled pure motive. |
- You make further installation as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components.