
12. Suspension bracket and steering


Separate characteristics are provided also in the text of the head and in case of obligation of their performance are highlighted in bold type.

General data

Wheel base, track, radius of a turn, mm See Specifications to the Head Governing bodies and methods of operation
Bridges, main transfers, driving shaft / half shafts See Specifications to the Head the Transmission line

Forward suspension bracket

Design Independent, two-lever, with rack-mount assemblies on screw springs and the stabilizer of cross stability (see the illustration Scheme of the Organization of a Forward Suspension Bracket)

Back suspension bracket

Design Dependent with not cutting bridge, two lower and one top the longitudinal levers, telescopic shock-absorbers which are separately installed by screw springs and a jet bar (see the illustration Scheme of the Organization of a Back Suspension Bracket)


  • Drive
According to the scheme "trapeze" (see the illustration Scheme of the Organization of the Steering Drive) by means of the hydrostrengthened " broadcast the screw - a ball nut"
  • Steering column
Adjustable, safety, with a flexible joint
Transfer relation of the steering mechanism 15.2:1
Type and volume of GUR liquid See Specifications to the Head the Current leaving and service
Nominal length of a steering column (see an illustration), mm 766.5
Outer diameter of a steering wheel, mm 390
Full quantity of turns of a steering wheel 3.54
The size of a free wheeling of a steering wheel (see an illustration), mm 5 ÷ 30
Extreme admissible value of resistance to rotation of a steering wheel (see an illustration), N 33
The pressure developed by the steering pump, kPa 6860 ± 98
The size of a deflection of a belt of the drive of the steering pump when pressing with effort of 1 kgf, mm
  • New belt
6 ÷ 7
  • The belt which was in the use
8 ÷ 10
Effort of moving of a bipod of the steering mechanism, Nanometer 88

Suspension bracket geometry


See. The control body sizes at the end of the Management.

Angles of installation of wheels

Angles of installation of wheels

Convergence, mm
  • Forward wheels
    • Without passengers
2.5 ± 2.5
    • With two passengers
  • Back wheels
  • Forward wheels
    • Without passengers
0.44 ° ± 0.75 °
    • With two passengers
0 ° ± 0.75 °
  • Back wheels
0 °
Выбег (only forward wheels)
    • Without passengers
3.58 ° ± 0.75 °
    • With two passengers
3.58 ° ± 0.5 °
Maximum goal of a turn of a wheel
    • Internal wheel
37 °
    • External wheel
33 °

Efforts of tightening of threaded connections, Nanometer

Forward suspension bracket

Nuts of fastening of a bar of the stabilizer of cross resistance to spherical bolts of tips of axial bolts of fastening of rack-mount assemblies 43 ÷ 54
Nuts/bolts of collars of fastening of racks to a stabilizer bar 21.5 ÷ 26.5
Bolts of fastening of racks of the stabilizer to a frame 37 ÷ 46
Nuts of piston rods of shock-absorbers 37 ÷ 46
Nuts of axial bolts of fastening of rack-mount forks to the lower levers of a suspension bracket 183 ÷ 211
Nuts of the top cups of screw springs 22 ÷ 27
Coupling bolts of rack-mount forks 43 ÷ 54
Coupling bolts of the top spherical support 43 ÷ 54
Nuts of shpindelny bolts of fastening of the top levers of a suspension bracket 75 ÷ 93
Koronchaty nuts of the lower spherical support 118 ÷ 157
Bolts of fastening of the lower spherical support to cross levers 18 ÷ 27
Nuts of shpindelny bolts of fastening of the lower levers of a suspension bracket 260 ÷ 299

Back suspension bracket

Nuts of the top support of shock-absorbers 55 ÷ 64
Nuts of bolts of the lower support of shock-absorbers 75 ÷ 93
Nuts of axial bolts of fastening top and lower longitudinal levers 75 ÷ 93
Nuts of axial bolts of fastening of a diagonal jet bar of Pankhard 75 ÷ 93


Cap nuts of nipple sockets of a transitional nozzle of connection of the manometer for measurement of pressure in a pressure head path of GUR 31 ÷ 47
Cap nuts of nipple sockets of the GUR pressure head lines 31 ÷ 47
Coupling bolt of a collar of the universal hinge of fastening of an intermediate steering shaft 18 ÷ 26
Fastening of the lower basic arm of a steering column
  • Nut
19 ÷ 23
  • Bolt
16 ÷ 23
Bolts of the top basic collar of fastening of a steering column 16 ÷ 23
Nut of fastening of a steering wheel 39 ÷ 49
Lock-nuts of fastening of tips on bars of steering drafts 88 ÷ 118
Koronchaty nuts of spherical fingers of tips of steering drafts 42 ÷ 57
Bolts of fastening of assembly of the pendular lever of the steering drive 206 ÷ 225
Bolts of fastening of the steering mechanism Data are absent
Nut of fastening of a bipod to a shaft of the steering mechanism 206 ÷ 245
Lock adjusting nut of a sector shaft 39
Bolts of a cover of a sector shaft 34
Bolts of a cover of a worm shaft 34
Nut of fastening of connecting thirst for the pendular lever 42 ÷ 57
Nut of fastening of connecting thirst for a bipod of the steering mechanism 42 ÷ 57
Nipple nuts of fastening of the GUR lines to the steering mechanism 31 ÷ 47
Bolt of fastening of an intermediate steering shaft 30 ÷ 38
Bolts of fastening of a basic arm of the steering pump 37 ÷ 52
Nut of fastening of a pulley of the drive of the steering pump 61
Fastening of the tank of the steering pump 6.8 ÷ 9.8
Lock bolt of a natyazhitel of a belt of the drive of the steering pump 37 ÷ 52